Friday, September 10, 2010

Plants Vs Zombies Review


 You would be forgiven for saying you've had your fill of tower defense games. The past couple years has seen a flood of these strategy clones filling casual portals like the iPhone and PC. But you know who might be able to bring you back: the people that brought you Peggle. PopCap, one of the best casual developers and publishers around, has delivered Plants vs. Zombies, its first tower defense game. While it uses the basic mechanics of all efforts in this genre, it boasts charm, personality, and gobs of gameplay variety. The result is another addictive experience that will appeal to all walks of gamers.

Zombies are creeping on your lawn, and your garden is your last line of defense against these brain-crazy cannibals. You have some pretty peculiar (but useful) plants at your disposal, including pea shooters that spit green balls at the undead, hot tamales that burn everything in their path, and Venus zombie traps. By planting various seeds in strategic locations around your lawn you may be able to hold off the onslaught and keep them from entering your house and eating your brain.

Unlike many tower defense games there isn't a winding path the zombies follow towards your home. The yard is divided into six rows and zombies shuffle in fairly orderly. They won't cross over into other lanes but you will find multiple bodies coming in on one row. It's a very simple concept and, in fact, when you first play Plants vs. Zombies you may find it to be too laid back; too easy. But the real draw here is the incredible variety of plants (towers) and zombies. There are 48 kinds of plants with numerous offensive, defensive, and production capabilities, and 26 different zombies. Completing each level in the game will unlock a new plant or item to add to your arsenal. These constant rewards really keep you involved and will have you saying "just one more level" long after you initially thought there wasn't much to the game.

At the start of each round you can pick which seeds to take into battle. You only have a limited amount of slots in your inventory, although you can increase your stash over time. With such an assortment of abilities and resource demands, half the battle is in picking effective weapons. The array of choices means you can customize your strategy and confront the undead on your own terms.

There is also a wide variety of gameplay styles. Some levels take place during the day and some at night, which has a large effect on what plants are available to you, how you harvest sunlight (your resources), and what environmental obstacles you encounter. Interspersed among the regular levels are more arcade-like variations on the tower defense formula. You may lose the ability to select plants and instead deal with pre-selected weapons that come down a conveyor belt. Or you may be presented with a lawn full of vases waiting to be smashed – some hiding treasure, some zombies. There are even fun mini-games, a survival mode, and puzzles that let you play as the zombies. You can't go more than a few minutes with this game without discovering something new and delightful.

Adding to the game's charm is the cast of zombies, ranging from dancing Michael Jackson types straight out of the Thriller music video to aquatic zombies that ride dolphins (you have a pool in the backyard). The undead are amusingly animated and the game looks great in action. These aren't your gruesome Left 4 Dead or Resident Evil zombies. This is a zombie game for the whole family (never thought I'd say that).

Plants vs. Zombies also has a catchy, organic soundtrack that becomes more intense as your yard is flooded with enemies. The light voice acting gives the undead character as they lurch toward your house grunting and moaning for brains.

9.5-Loads of features and a slick interface. There's a lot more content here than in most tower defense games.

7.5-Looks like a very pretty Flash game.

8.0-Catchy, lighthearted, and spooky tunes that build in intensity as zombies fill the screen.

9.0-Something new and delightful is waiting to be discovered with each new level. You'll be saying "just one more level" long after you planned to stop playing.

Lasting Appeal
8.5-Level after level after level of zombie thwarting leads to mini-games, puzzles, and a survival mode.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Dragon Quest IX (Sentinels Of The Starry Skies)

You are a Celestrian, a blessed being with wings and a halo who dwells high above the mortal realm. After completing an apprenticeship under your master, you become the guardian of a small village. It is the duty of Celestrians to look out for their fragile charges, keeping them free from harm and answering their fervent prayers while remaining invisible to human eyes. A calamity causes you to be thrown from your lofty home and strips you of your angel-like trappings. Now you are visible and vulnerable--mortal in appearance if not in truth--and it falls to you to explore the world below and hopefully find a way to restore your divine powers.

The character creation process allows you to choose your gender and then your overall build and appearance from a selection of options. Once you're ready to add three companions to your party roster, you can apply the same selection process to recruitment to personalize them somewhat as well. All the character art has that Dragonball flavor, but your group is truly defined by its gear. There's a wealth of different types of armor to equip that goes well beyond the tired territory of chain mail and leather boots. Fishnet stockings and high heels, T-shirts and jeans, boxers and briefs are only the beginning of a wardrobe filled with all sorts of madness. You'll have characters in full-plate armor next to compatriots with equally powerful gear that look like they should be going swimming instead. It keeps equipment gathering interesting in a way that goes beyond increasing your stats and allows you to indulge in some truly horrible and hysterical fashion sense.

But in the end, it's all about battle readiness, and picking your balance of character classes is as important as what type of shoes to wear. The basic professions available are minstrel, warrior, priest, mage, thief, and martial artist. Your own character will always start as a minstrel, while you can tailor the rest of your group as you see fit. Each class can equip specific types of weapons and armor and will learn specific spells as it grows more powerful. Gaining levels will also earn you skill points, which can be applied to weapon proficiencies that enable more damage and new abilities, as well as class proficiencies for additional battle abilities. You can change professions at an abbey that becomes available some hours into the game, and while you'll start new vocations at level one and without any spells you learned as a different class, you will keep any skill point abilities you purchased. If you decide that leveling a priest is a pain and that you'd like to go back to your old job, you will again assume your previous level and all of your spells while losing those priest spells. It's rather a big deal to switch professions because you'll have to invest some time to get those characters back up in terms of their levels, but it opens the door for determined players to mix and match powerful abilities.

Bringing those skills to bear against foes is as easy as heading out of town and scanning your surroundings for the nearest meowgician. New to this installment in the series is the ability to see monsters roaming the dungeon and world environments, so you can more easily trigger battles or just thread your way around skeletons and ghouls to be on your way. Creatures will still sometimes charge at you if you're of a lower level, but if you need to quickly regain your spot in the dungeon du jour, it can be done without too much fuss.

The actual fighting is classic turn-based fare, with you issuing orders to your party and then watching the action unfold. There are some basic AI tactical options that you can set for your three followers that will have them focusing on healing, conserving their magic, attacking at will, and so on, or you can choose to just manage each character individually. Because monsters can show up in large groups, it's important that you're careful to split the action to take out your most dangerous foes as quickly as you can. While you can run from battles, and while you learn spells that let you easily leave dungeons and warp back to towns, the game is by no means a cakewalk. There are some seriously deadly creatures out there that command a lot of respect, so you don't want to skimp on leveling and empowering your party. This can turn into a bit of a grind, but the visual variety of monsters keeps things from getting too mundane.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pick Your Phantasy Star Online:Blue Burst Class Early

Phantasy Star Online:Blue Burst

So Ask Yourself This Question,Are You Looking For A Free MMO?

Well I Have Your Answer Phantasy Star Is A MMO That Has Been Around For Awhile And Even Better The Server Is Free Now So If You Wanna Join In On The Fun All You Have To Do Is Sign Up And Download The Client And Follow The Steps Below!

1:Sign Up And Register At

2: Download The Client At

3: Run the application and install to your desktop. (The admins suggest C:ProgramFiles\SEGA\, but installing in this folder can cause problems on some Vista/7 machines.)

4: Run the created Online.exe. At the PSO Main Menu, select "Download Patch"; this will install a patch and close the client. Run the Online.exe once more and you should be ready to play! If you're still having problems, continue following the guide.

Also I Know Some People Hate The Fact That They Have To Use The Mouse And Keyboard Well Good News You Can Use The Ps3 Controller And 360 Controller To Play Driver Links And Videos Below!


Set Your Catigorys For The Following Fields Wither You Use (Vista,XP Or Windows 7) And Install Your Driver And It Should Work Then When In Game Press F12 And Pick Options And Gamepad Setup And Set It Accordingly

(Ps3) (This One Is A Lil Bit More Confusing So I Put A Youtube User Video Up Explaining It A Little More Clearly)

Thanks (Wiltshire12345) For An Awesome And Clear Tutorial!

Also When In Game Press F12 And Pick Options And Gamepad Setup And Set It Accordingly Just Like You Would Have To If Using A 360 Controller!

Heres A Diagram For The Ps3 Controller

And Heres A Diagram For A 360 Controller (Not Much Difference)

If You Have No One To Play With Or Are Looking To Have Some One To Play With Im Always In (Skyline,Ship 2,Lobby 13)

Look For Bell!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Benefits Of Offline Gaming

We all know that online gaming can be fun right? Well have you ever tried turning you wireless off for one day?  Try it, its amazing what you can accomplish. You could get those last few achievements in the main story mode, or actually start the main story mode. No matter what you opinion is of offline it’s always fun to try to get into.

The first time I tried this I shot my gamer score up almost two thousand points just starting/finishing story modes. Now I do it once a month and my gamer score is huge (29250 to be exact). Sure there are down sides to it like not talking to online friends or having the completive edge constantly (witch could even be a upside). But I believe me it is totally worth it once a month, or even once every year.

The best game for playing off line would have to be ones with a huge indebt storyline; these kinds of games often have a longer play time and still when you’re done the story line there still more to do (i.e.: side missions) . I found that this is also stress releasing.

Picture it you almost have a nuke in MW2 and them KA BOOOM, noob tube to the face. Your going to be angry and if you aren’t then you are just that awesome. But you end shutting off your game and not playing, when you return on line you’re pissed at the game so you don’t play it and you play some Red Dead Redemption instead. It’s an unlikely event but it does happen. Try it and you will feel a bit or a lot relaxed and calmed.

Good Games For Offline Play

-Bioshock 2
-GTA 4
-The Balled of Gay Tony (Stories from Liberty City, or add on)
-The Lost and Damned (see above)
-Red Dead Redemption
-Fable 2
-Dead Rising
-Banjo Kazooie
-The Orange Box
-Assassins Creed
-Assassins Creed 2
-Borderlands (not the greatest but its still decent)
-Music, sports ,racing and fighting games are good too.
By Connor Lazore From WC3 Films

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

E3 Press Conference Part 2 Of 2

E3 Nintendo Press Conference

The Legend Of Zelda:Skyward Sword (TBA 2011)
Mario Sports Mix (TBA 2011)
Wii Party (TBA Holiday 2010)
Just Dance 2 (TBA Fall 2010)
Goldeneye (TBA 2010)
Epic Mickey (TBA)
Kirbys:Epic Yarn (TBA Fall 2010)
Metroid Other M (Aug 31,2010)
Donkey Kong Country (TBA Holiday 2010)
[DS] Golden Sun:Dark Dawn (TBA Holiday 2010)
[DS] Dragon Quest 9 (Jul 11,2010)
Nintendo 3DS Console (TBA)
[3DS] Kid Icarus:Uprising (Previously Project Sora) (TBA)
[3DS] Nintendogs And Cats (TBA)

E3 Sony Press Conferance

Playstation +  (June 31, 2010) 3 Month Subscription $17.99 Or Year Subscription $49.99
Playstation Move Software (Sept 19,2010)
[Move] Sorcery (TBA Spring 2011)
[Move] Heroes On The Move (Working Title) (TBA)
[Move] Eyepets (TBA)
[Move] The Fight:Lights Out (TBA)
[Move] Time Crisis (TBA)
[Move] The Shoot (TBA)
[Move] Start The Party (TBA)
[Move] Sports Champions (TBA)
[Move] Toy Story 3 (TBA)
[PSP] Echochrome 2 (TBA)
[PSP] Eyepets (TBA)
[PSP] Invizimals (TBA)
[PSP] God Of War:Ghost Of Sparta (TBA)
[PSP] Ace Combat:Joint Command (TBA)
[PSP] Gravity Crash (TBA)
[PSP] DBZ: Tenkaichi Tag Team (TBA)
[PSP] Hotshots Tennis (TBA)
[PSP] Madden NFL 11 (TBA)
[PSP] Patapon 3 (TBA)
[PSP] Piyotama:Remix (TBA)
[PSP] Kingdom Hearts:Birth By Sleep (TBA)
[PSP] The 3rd Birthday (TBA)
[PSP] Valkyria Chronicles 2 (TBA)
Killzone 3 (TBA Feb 2011)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 [Compatible With Move] (TBA)
Little Big Planet 2 (TBA)
Mafia 2 (Aug 24,2010)
Medal Of Honor [Limited Edition With MOH Frontlines] (Oct 12,2010)
Dead Space 2 [Limited Edition With Dead Space Extraction For Move] (Jan 25,2011)
Portal 2 (TBA)
Final Fantasy 14:Online (TBA)
Tron Evolution:The Game (TBA)
Mortal Kombat (TBA)
Gran Tursimo 5 (Nov 2,2010)
Infamous 2 (TBA)
Twisted Metal (TBA)
Socom 4 (TBA)
Assassins Creed:Brotherhood (Nov 16,2010)
Motorstorm:Apocalypse (TBA)
True Crime (TBA)
Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (TBA)
Pixeljunk Shooter 2 (TBA)
Castlevania:Lord Of Shadows (TBA)
Dead Nation (TBA)
DC Universe Online (TBA)
The Sly Cooper Collection Remastered (TBA)

Monday, June 14, 2010

E3 Press Conference Part 1 Of 2

 E3 Microsoft Press Conference
New 250 GB Xbox 360 For $299 (Jun 15,2010)
Call Of Duty:Black Ops (Nov 9,2010)
Metal Gear Solid:Rising (TBA)
Gears Of War 3 (TBA)
Fable 3 (Oct 26, 2010)
Halo:Reach (TBA In September)
Kinect (What Used To Be Project Natal) (Nov 4,2010)
Kinectimals (Holiday Of 2010)
Kinect Sports  (Holiday Of 2010)
Kinect Joyride  (Holiday Of 2010)
Kinect Adventures  (Holiday Of 2010)
Your Shape:Fitness Evolved For Kinect (Holiday Of 2010)
Dance Central For Kinect (Holiday Of 2010)
Forza:GO For Kinect (TBA 2011)
Star Wars For Kinect (TBA 2011)

E3 EA Press Conference
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit (Nov 16,2010)
Dead Space 2 (Jan 25,2011)
Medal Of Honor (Oct 12,2010) *Multiplayer Beta Goes Live June 21,2010
EA Sports:MMA (Oct 19,2010)
EA Sports:Active2 (Nov 16,2010)
Madden NFL 11 (TBA)
The Sims 3:On Console (TBA Fall Of 2010)
Crysis 2 (TBA Holiday Of 2010)
Bulletstorm (Feb 22,2011)
Star Wars:The Old Republic (TBA)

E3 Ubisoft Press Conference
Child Of Eden:Kinect Title (TBA)
Assassins Creed:Brotherhood (Oct 16,2010)
Shawn White:Skateboarding (TBA)
Battle Tag (TBA)
Innergy (TBA)
Motion Sports:Kinect Title (TBA)
Raving Rabbids:Travel In Time (TBA)
Ghost Recon:Future Soldier (TBA)
Driver:San Francisco (TBA)
Project Dust:Working Title (Name Change And Date TBA)
Rayman:Origins (TBA)
Mania Planet :Online Social Game Creator (TBA)

Titan Quest Game Review By James

 Titan Quest and its expansion Titan Quest: Immortal Throne has been around for awhile. But both games are very fun RPG games I would gladly recommend to any gamer whether they have played and RPG before or not. The game controls are easy to pick up and learn. The shortcut keys are set up in very logical places (ex. M=map, C=character). As well as the story is very deep and rich. The combat system is good and the graphics are good as well. All in all I think it is a defiant pick up for any gamer that is either already a die hard RPG fan or someone just getting their first RPG.


Vi0l3nt J (James)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sin and Punishment 2: Star Successor Wii Review

Sin and Punishment 2:Star Successor is a successful on-rail shooter exclusively on the Wii which takes advantage of the Wii controls. Star Successor may not be very beautiful to behold without the high HDMI graphics, but the great gameplay and awesome bosses will keep you coming back for more. There are a few flaws which will accumulate when playing which may frustrate you and tempt you to rage out, but not minding the details, Sin and Punishment 2 can give you an experience like no other shooter on the wii to date!

For those who may just pick this game just because it looks fun and unique (like I did), and never played any previous installment will miss the origin of the story. There isn't much of it, and it is nothing special and overall short, but offers quite a good deal of replay value. The game stars two young kids; Isa and Kachi, in their escape from the 'creators'. The plot tells their story in their futile escape, and the story isn't very predictable but there aren't many twists in the plot. The game is short as well, divided in lengthy stages full of enemies and many, many bosses.

Sin and Punishment 2 is a third-person, on-rail shooter which is perfect for the Wii. The controls are so good that you don't even require the Wii Zapper to play properly. Over time using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk can become annoying since you have to constantly point to the Wii Remote to the screen and move in air. Like an arcade on-rail shooter, and yet sadly enough you won't be moving your character and progress at your own pace. The game moves on as you eliminate the target in the area or just moves towards the boss kinda like (House Of The Dead Or Time Crisis) but there are a ton of unique and awesome bosses to fight which are always fun to play against. Some bosses are a bit infuriating, since they may require more skill to eliminate, but Sin and Punishment 2 is rarely difficult to the boiling point.

The shooting is really fun overall. The bosses are awesome and huge most of the time. The dodging is so frequent that is become annoying after a while. Some bosses will need your constant attention to dodge their attacks and counter. There are some parts that you're in  2D, meaning that you will be shooting in a 2D environment, left and right, and not forward. This kind of areas will restrict how much you can move and the direction of your shooting, and are fairly tougher than normal stages.

The stages are all different, and the enemies rarely are the same, making Sin and Punishment 2 quite varied in this area. Unfortunately you won't earn any new powers or anything.

The graphics don't steal the show, but overall good by wii standards. The slightly ugly and unrealistic character models could have been made better, and some of the backgrounds are generic and lack the finishing touch, there is no doubt that the game looks good for Wii technology. The cutscenes aren't special either, keeping the same amount of production values.

On a personal note,I found this game to be a great follow up from the original on N64 just saying if you have the extra cash or points try the 1st its a classic and still captivates a small part of my heart till this very day.

- Superb control scheme lets you use the Wii Remote besides the Wii Zapper
- Great and addictive shooting, with a lot of replay value
- Huge, unique bosses, and there is a lot of them

- Slightly dated graphics and character models (Bring On The HDMI Lol)
- Too much dodging can ruin the fun for anyone

Graphics = 7/10
Sound = 8/10
Presentation = 8/10
Gameplay = 9/10
Story = 7/10

OVERALL = 8/10
This third-person, on-rail shooter will give something you may have never experienced before.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Classic Vault Review (Double Dragons 2-The Revenge On NES)

This game is fantastic, it took everything I love about the 1st double dragons game and, amplified it they added some good challenge, a couple new characters and upped the graphics. Its a simultaneous cooperative beat-em up / brawling game where you can play as either Billy and Jimmy Lee as they take on wave after wave of gang members. The two use their fists, feet, spinning tornado kicks and weapons like whips, barrels, bats, grenades and knives. You start with all of the moves unlike the original game where you had to progress further and unlock them for use!

Another thing that makes the game amazing for its time is the differing areas. The first place is a construction site that turns from 3D area to a 2D side scroller as you climb the building. That way you cannot dodge bad guys as easily. The second level is completely 2D, the third level takes place in a helicopter as enemies and sometimes you get sucked out the door and die. The forth level is a dangerous and challenging 2D fortress. I won't mention any of the other levels (due to spoilers), but each level brings out more fun and challenge to this great game.

Its a great game to play with a friend with 2 player mode A where you can't hurt one another and its even more challenging with 2 player mode B where the players can injure each other. This game is a classic and either the #1 or #2 game of the franchise. Probably one of the top 3 beat-em ups for the NES in general in my personal opinion i myself still own a copy to this very day and find the game to still be fun to go back on and reminisce about the old days when all that mattered was gaming i hope someday Nintendeo Will take the Wii back to its roots and make some of these classics retro!

Classic Rating 7.5/10

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Prince Of Persia:The Forgotten Sands Review

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time had to be one of my favorite games from the previous generation, and got me very much hooked on the franchise. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Warrior Within but The Two Thrones was a return to total greatness and the first PS3 iteration, Prince of Persia, represented a departure from the norm…but a damn good departure. Now, Ubisoft returns to the Sands of Time format with this new sequel and any fan of the series will immediately recognize the style, presentation and gameplay. But in fact, it’s so much like Sands of Time, it actually feels a little out dated. There are a few small technical glitches and overall, the game is plenty entertaining, but that’s not the overriding issue. Thing is, after playing through the majority of the game, it has become painfully obvious that Prince’s biggest downfall is the enduring sensation of blandness. It’s bizarre: the game really is very solid and all that expected goodness is there. And yet, it still seems mediocre for a PS3 game i meen all the ps3 HDMI graphics where there and it had all that old traditional Prince of Persia sounds but this game could have done so much more but the nice thing ubi soft added was co-op but it was also kinda not worth it expecialy in  this type of game to me it just seemed like a pain playing with someone else so i played a majoroty of it in single player over all if you played the old Prince Of Persia game's and love them give the new one a shot but don't go out and buy it i would advise renting it first overall it was just an ok game that followed old standerds with a couple of changes.

Rating 5.5/10

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Starcraft 2 Beta Review!

Starcraft 2 is the much awaited sequel to the best selling PC game of all time. Made by developer Blizzard Entertainment the masterminds behind World of Warcraft and the Diablo series. As everyone knows the game is still in Beta but I figured I would write a review about the Beta so that everyone can know what I think of it so far. At first glance the game looks great. The graphics are clean and well polished. The command system is very responsive and makes the game feel like it flows very smoothly. It also so fun that games last on average 15-10 minutes but it feels like only 5. The game plays great the controls are easy to use once you learn them and the ranking system is great. You go through 5 placement matches before they put you in a division of people with similar skill levels as you. The only downfall I have seen so far is some of the wait times are a little on the long side as well as in some of the bigger games (ex. 3v3, 4v4) there can be a great deal of lag causing some players to have to leave before the match is over leaving your team a man down. Other than those two small little things the game is great I can’t wait until the full game is released in July
Overall -10/10
Viol3nt J (James)

Free Co-op DLC Coming To The Old West In June

Rockstar has announced that their forthcoming Western adventure title, Red Dead Redemption, will receive free multiplayer downloadable content a month after release.

Entitled “Outlaws to the End,” the DLC includes six co-op missions and additional multiplayer XP rewards and brand new Achievements and Trophies to unlock.

They include:
  • Walton’s Gold: Walton’s Gang have taken control of a mining camp rich with gold. Fight through the camp and load your mine cart with as much gold as you can carry and get out as fast as you can – Walton’s boys have rigged the place to blow.

  • The River: Ride a raft down river, taking out rebel encampments along the way until you reach the rebel stronghold of Nosalida and a final epic battle for the town’s massive weapons caches. Watch out for Gatling gun-equipped enemy rafts.

  • Ammunition: The Mexican Army has the town of Tesoro Azul under siege. Storm the gates under heavy cannon, Gatling gun and sniper fire to destroy the Mexican artillery placements.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Community (James) Speeks Out On Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption is a new game by Rockstar studios. The same company that created games such as the GTA series and the game Bully. The game is set in the fictional state of New Austin. You play as former gang member turned lawmen John Marston. As you play through the game you find new areas to explore and people to meet. My first impression of the game is great I loved the whole idea of a free roam Wild West game. Once I started playing the game though I started to find small flaws within the game. So far I have only found one real major flaw and that is sometimes if to much happens in game it will crash on you sending you back to the PS home menu. For instance I had fallen down a Cliffside and the game froze on me then kicked me back to the PS home menu. I also found some small other bugs like in the bar in Armadillo the bartender tends to get stuck on the bar and therefore can’t move causing me to have to quit the game and restart it. Also some characters in game walk through walls and other small bugs like that. Like I said mostly small bugs but still can be somewhat of an annoyance at times. Overall though the game is great. I love the feeling of suspense every time you get into a gunfight with outlaws or go one on one with a bear or even a cougar. Alongside the main storyline and in true Rockstar fashion there are so many side quests off the main story line that you can be entertained for hours. Whether it is finding a person’s lost son to completing different challenges to upgrade your skills. As well as the fact that you can either be a good guy and stay a lawmen helping out citizens throughout your journey or you can become and unlawful killer. The game will play differently depending on which side you choose. For instance if you are “good” the lawmen in each town will welcome you with open arms but if you are “bad” then the lawmen are more likely to try and take you out. The multiplayer is also pretty fun as well. There are many different modes to play as well as you can just do a free roam multiplayer and either work together with the people in the game to take out gangs or you can just go around killing each other without remorse. All in all I think the game is great but the few small glitches I have found take away from the awesomeness of the game just a bit.

Viol3nt J (James)

Red Dead Redemption Video Review

Decided To Do My 1st Video Review Sorry If It Speeds Up In Some Parts That's Roxio's Fail But I Think It Came Out Ok Part 2 The Community Speaks Out On Red Dead Redemption To Be Posted Soon!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lead And Gold PSN Game Review

Lead And Gold the 15$ PSN Game that plays just like a Team Fortress game i found this game to be very enjoyable even though theirs only 4 people to pick from I found it to have very easy controls and lots of ways to get exp the game follows the standers of the old west with objectives such as carrying gold from point (A) to your hideout Point (B) to taking TNT powder kegs and blowing up two areas marked (A and B) the nice thing I found about this game is they set up a verity of areas to accompany what class you pick whether its (Blaster,Deputy,Gunslinger Or Trapper) you will find your sweet spot eventually and be getting kills in no time this game is fun whether you play alone or with a gang of your friends what it all really boils down to is a good old fashion team death match and team communication I advise this game to anyone who has played the Team Fortress games just because of its cartoon like art style and button layout!

Rating 8.5/10

F.E.A.R 3 Overview

The Much Anticipated Update's To Probably One Of The Most Freakish FPS F.3.A.R Is Being Marketed For Release On October 1,2010 And A lot Is Being said So Far Like "F.E.A.R. 3 is said to include new features such as co-op, an evolved cover system, and more scares, according to Day 1 Studios founder and president Denny Thorley.[3] In the game the player will be able to control both Point Man and Paxton Fettel, the protagonist and antagonist from the first game, F.E.A.R." i mean getting to play as the good and bad guys in this is gonna be pretty sweet and  its gonna be co-op which will make the game more fun to mess around and find goofy stuff also if the information is correct this game is also gonna include live-action footage cut scenes and is set to be one of the most bloody suspenseful games  to be released in 2010 but we will see if all that will be true because yours truly pre-ordered this yesterday just so i could review it come October I myself can say this will be one of the must get games and the kind of game to play with the lights off in the pitch black of night in the dead silence on Halloween!

For Live-Action Trailer CLICK HERE! Or For Official Game Site CLICK HERE!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

3D Dot Heros Game Review

3D Dot Game Hero's,what people are calling the new Zelda of 2010 with that classic kiddy Lego feel this game had me motivated to try it and in all fairness i am glad i spent the 40$ to buy this. this game has a wide variety of weapons and items to collect and dungeons to visit the map is very laid out and pretty big and the story is rather funny to it has lots of funny innuendos that are rather easy to spot and you will find yourself laughing when you find them (I Myself Have Found A Demon Souls Parody And One From The DS Game Contact) the map is very generous and the controls are very simple and follow the old standards of the original Zelda game you also get the ability to play from a number of hero's ranging from a car,tank,gorilla to even Santa Clause and just like the old Zelda you can find magic meters and also health pieces exactly identical to heart pieces in the Zelda games but you will find yourself reliving your past and enjoying every minute of it aside from everything being almost 100% perfect with this game i only have 4 main complaints about this game i would much rather this have been more RPG-ish with the ability to level your character but it fairs out to where you can level your sword so it makes up for that lack of the RPG Elements also i find that the arrows lob in this game unlike the old Zelda where arrows fly straight now i know in real life arrows can take on all kinds of flight patterns so again its something i can live with along side that is the small blast radius of the bombs i seem to find it hard to kill any kind of enemy with bombs when the enemy's are always on the move so your better off saving your bombs for the later dungeons and dealing with enemy's with your sword instead also another thing is the lack of items in pots or enemy drops i often found myself entering dungeons short handed whether it be not enough bombs,candles or arrows but this game is very generous on the other hand with giving out Coins (money/G), Red Berry's (health) and Green Berry's (magic) all in all this game is revolutionary i myself hope Atlus sees that a lot of people have taking a liking to the old games made into retro games and continues in this pattern i myself advise this game to anyone who enjoys the old Zelda's or games with that retro look!

Rating 9/10

Friday, May 14, 2010

My Take On Sonys History And Gaming

WOW look its everyone's new favorite Playstation icon Sackboy,yes Sackboy seems like Sony wants to keep adding cute icons for as long as i can remember from when i was little and i got my first Playstation Sony has changed around the Playstation icon a lot from Crash Bandacoot To Gex And Syphon Filter And Cars From Gran Tursimo And Spyro (Many Are Also Unlisted Sorry This Is all From Memory) then Sony made the transition over to the Playstation 2 and once again Sony was on the dot with there marketing they chose icons to appeal to all ages of gamers such as Kratos,Crash (Again),Tidus,Kingdom Hearts,Prince Of Persia,Sly Cooper,Metal Gear and the Grand Theft Auto series now just a little over 4 years since the ps3 was released (November 17,2006) Sony has thrown around all kinds of  faces and ideas to help market the ps3 i seem to recall when the ps3 1st went up in stores it was marketed with the combo pack of either Drakes Fortune Or Motorstorm (I My Self Got Motorstorm) but its like if you look at the ps3 it really developed from a mere child's tinker toy in a a beast of a machine with lots more coming in the following years in all honesty Sony has always captivated my mind when it comes to the games that are being released i mean Sony is one of the very 1st consoles to ever have a game where 256 players are able to play online i would love to see Microsoft do this someday but we will see i mean its just amazing to see how far gaming has come since the invention of Pong (1972) Almost 40 years later gaming is still improving and amazing people today with the new boundaries company's are pushing you can guarantee that Sony will still impress in the near future!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Army Of Two Game Review

When this game 1st came out i was kinda pumped for it to be honest so i went and bought it and found out something very fast the game-play lacks in a couple of aspects after the training you seem to find yourself kinda playing a gears of war clone which at 1st i really didn't mind because it was a new game at the time and a lot of games have been following in the same format but it got old very fast i often found myself having to hide behind the walls and deal with all the flying bullets also the AI is kinda stupid when you would want them to be kinda self aware about the situation that you would have to deal with the AI likes to run out into oncoming fire then you find yourself getting the short end of the stick having to run out and save them also the AI likes to drag you miles away from where you go into death mode even when there's not anyone alive and you take damage as well and you have no help in the situation but one if the good things i found is that this game kinda has a call of duty health regeneration where if u duck out of the way for long enough you health slowly returns but like i said before this becomes an ever tedious task having to do it almost 85% of the time but aside from the crappy single player i have not 1 complaint about the co-op it's actually really smooth and the 2ed player makes the game move along a lot faster and makes it more fun to play so you won't be getting bored but aside from all the bad aspects this game is a really fun buy theirs multiple upgrades and weapons, teamwork options,picking up car doors for cover,parachuting,co-op sniping and back to back so if you want a bit of a challenge or just wanna kick back and try something new i advise giving this game a try

Rating 6/10