Friday, May 14, 2010

My Take On Sonys History And Gaming

WOW look its everyone's new favorite Playstation icon Sackboy,yes Sackboy seems like Sony wants to keep adding cute icons for as long as i can remember from when i was little and i got my first Playstation Sony has changed around the Playstation icon a lot from Crash Bandacoot To Gex And Syphon Filter And Cars From Gran Tursimo And Spyro (Many Are Also Unlisted Sorry This Is all From Memory) then Sony made the transition over to the Playstation 2 and once again Sony was on the dot with there marketing they chose icons to appeal to all ages of gamers such as Kratos,Crash (Again),Tidus,Kingdom Hearts,Prince Of Persia,Sly Cooper,Metal Gear and the Grand Theft Auto series now just a little over 4 years since the ps3 was released (November 17,2006) Sony has thrown around all kinds of  faces and ideas to help market the ps3 i seem to recall when the ps3 1st went up in stores it was marketed with the combo pack of either Drakes Fortune Or Motorstorm (I My Self Got Motorstorm) but its like if you look at the ps3 it really developed from a mere child's tinker toy in a a beast of a machine with lots more coming in the following years in all honesty Sony has always captivated my mind when it comes to the games that are being released i mean Sony is one of the very 1st consoles to ever have a game where 256 players are able to play online i would love to see Microsoft do this someday but we will see i mean its just amazing to see how far gaming has come since the invention of Pong (1972) Almost 40 years later gaming is still improving and amazing people today with the new boundaries company's are pushing you can guarantee that Sony will still impress in the near future!

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